#Insight erwin data modeler vs code
You have the governance of the code sets versus the governance of the business terms and the definitions of those business terms. And the governance can be done at multiple levels. "erwin has tremendous capabilities to map right from the business technologies to the endpoint, such as physical entities and physical attributes, from a lineage standpoint." "We always know where our data is, and anybody can look that up, whether they're a business person who doesn't know anything about Informatica, or a developer who knows everything about creating data movement jobs in Informatica, but who does not understand the business terminology or the data that is being used in the tool." "The data management is, obviously, key in understanding where the data is and what the data is. It can serve as a knowledge management tool by creating some custom assets specifically for knowledge management." "The most valuable feature is the discovery process for the data catalog because we get it in a visual format as a way to understand and classify it."

For example, we've chosen to use Collibra also as a knowledge management tool, even though it is not designed to be a knowledge management tool. I like to be able to modify things for our own use. They have the opportunity to drill back into Collibra to see that." "I like Collibra's flexibility. When they have a question about how something in that report is derived, they can pull a metric that is defined fully in Collibra.

It gives us a lot of options to implement for a lot of purposes." "It's not a complicated product." "I find the metadata feature valuable because it replaces the coding." "We have folks in the field doing our clinical research operations, and they have the opportunity to refer to Collibra when they are examining a particular report. There is a vast amount of flexibility in terms of how much we can customize. The most valuable is the workload feature that Collibra offers.

"The diagram showing the limits is absolutely magnificent." "The most valuable features of Collibra are the workflows and the data lineage capabilities." "The end-to-end solution itself is great.